Kindergarten through 5th Grade Student Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Please remember, at 3:00pm your child will exit the same door they entered at 8:05am
Kindergarten Students will enter and exit door #11.
1st Grade Students will enter and exit door #11
2nd Grade Students will enter and exit door #10
3rd Grade Students will enter and exit door #10
4th Grade Students will enter and exit door #11
5th Grade Students will enter and exit door #11
During the first week of school, August 17 to 23, all teachers will be outside to greet children as they arrive at 8:00am.
Time | Event |
8:00am – 8:15am | Outdoor Staff Supervision |
8:00am - 8:05am | All Students Line up with their classes on the blacktop |
8:05am | 1st Bell Rings – Students enter building |
8:15am | 2nd Bell Rings – Outdoor Supervisors close doors and proceed to their daily assignment. Students arriving after 8:15am must enter through the office doors with a parent to sign them in. |
11:30am | AM kindergarten students are released to an adult family member outside door #1 |
3:00pm | All Students exit the same doors they enter in the morning |
The back playground drop off lane will not be available for student pick up. Please use street parking and walk to your child’s exit doors.
If siblings are walking home together and they are exiting different doors, please walk them through their after school routine before the first day of school. Please set their outdoor meeting area; the playground, the basketball court, or a door. These plans should be reviewed with them prior to the first day of school.
If you are going to be late picking up your child, please call the office so we can have your child wait for you in the office.
To ensure your child’s safety, parents should remind their child to contact a staff member outside if they don’t see you at the end of the day.
At the end of the day, if a child is waiting outside for their parent, and for one reason or another the parent has not arrived at Edison to pick up their child, most likely a staff member has walked them to the office to ensure their safety.
Bus Transportation - Bus Schedules are being prepared, they will be sent to parents as soon as they are completed.
Traffic Patterns Around the Building
Arrival - Student Drop Off
Parents can use the following for student drop off
Students can walk to school using the sidewalks
3rd, 4th and 5th grade students can ride bikes to school. Bike racks are located on the west side of the building and the south side of the parking lot. K, 1, 2 students are required to ride bikes to and from school with a parent.
Parents can use the drop off lane in the rear of the building.
Parents should enter the drop off lane from Huntington Lane
Cars will stay in a single lane from entry into the drop off lane to the exit onto S. Fair Ave.
When directed, vehicles will pull into the drop off lane as far as possible. Vehicles will be bumper to bumper for drop off.
When the drop off lane is filled, students can safely exit their vehicles and walk to their entrance lines.
When all students are cleared from the drop off lane, parents will be directed to move forward to exit the drop off lane.
Dismissal - Student Pick Up
The drop off lane in the rear of the building will not be used for student pick up.
Parents picking up their children may park along the neighborhood streets and walk to their child’s exit door