Elmhurst, IL – Elmhurst District 205 schools are once again proud to honor the dedicated service of our veterans this Veterans Day. This annual tradition offers a unique learning experience for our students, connecting them with personal stories and experiences from veterans and their families. This year, schools throughout the District will host a variety of events, including breakfasts, honor ceremonies, 5K runs, and more, as we gather to show our gratitude to those who have served to protect our nation. 

On Saturday, November 9, 2024, the York High School Student Council will be holding their annual Veterans Day Breakfast, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. On Monday, November 11 at 8:00 a. m. York High School will be holding their annual all-school Veterans Day assembly to recognize Veterans in the York Campbell Gym.  Both events are free and open to all community veterans and their families.  

York would love to recognize as many Veterans as possible.  If you are a Veteran and would like to attend, R.S.V.P. with Student Council Advisor Matt Moran at MMoran@elmhurst205.org or 630-617-2400 x7285. The assembly will include speeches from U.S. veterans and York students/administrators. 

On Sunday, November 10, 2024, the Fischer Elementary School PTA invites the community to join them at the Elmhurst Public Library in the Large Meeting Room to write holiday cards to veterans.  Please email Valerie O'Donnell at irishblues25@gmail.com with any questions.

Churchville Middle School will be hosting its Sixteenth Annual Veterans Day Ceremony from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM to celebrate and honor those who have served to protect our freedom.  Churchville Students were encouraged to invite any family members and/or friends that have previously served or are currently serving in any branch of the Armed Forces.  Churchville Middle School commemorative t-shirts are available for purchase. Proceeds from sales will go to support Honor Flight. Your commemorative t-shirt can be purchased at: https://churchville.spiritsale.com/  

Bryan Middle School, in partnership with their PTA, will be honoring Veterans at their Sixth Annual Veterans Day Breakfast and Honor Ceremony event.  Breakfast starts at 7:15 AM, followed by an all-school assembly Honor Ceremony beginning at 8:45 AM. 

At Sandburg Middle School and Field Elementary School, students will step off on Monday,  November 11, in partnership with Honor Flight Chicago, to host their Operation Education 5K run! These events support their mission to Honor, Thank, and Inspire Senior War Veterans for their service and sacrifice to our country. 

The students at Edison Elementary School will be creating flags to honor Veterans, which will then be placed on their Honor Wall for all students to see and read. Additionally, a Veteran’s Day Missing Man Table is created and placed in the hallway for students and staff to observe.  

In addition to the events taking place on Veterans Day, the Students at Lincoln Elementary wrote letters and cards, for active or veteran military members. The Lincoln Elementary School P.R.I.D.E. Ambassador then created a collection box with the letters and submitted the box to Support Over Stigma, an organization that helps active and veteran military overcome mental health and service-related challenges. 

Elmhurst School District 205 expresses its deepest gratitude to all of the men and women who have served to protect our Country.

Veteran's Day LineupVeteran's Day Lineup(2)